Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Windmills in Leiden

 Outside the Molenmuseum "De Valk" - the Windmill Museum set in a mill called "De Valk"

 Ground floor was the living-quarters of the millner and his family. Here's the kitchen
 cool stove!

 Models of various types of mills

 this one is like De Valk.
 This one is like De Put, a mill we saw later on that afternoon

 this is used to "steer" the mill, aiming it into the wind

 where the grain came down, feeding into the mill stones to be ground into flour.

 De Valk from the outside
 and, De Put, another mill in Leiden. This one is still in use, grinding grain!

 About to head inside for a closer look - the whole mill was shaking, as it was a windy day and the mill was swinging at full-speed.

 spinning away
beautiful, powerful windmill

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